Our video library shows some of our patented products and innovative solutions for energy regeneration in Commerical Truck, Mining, Wind Farm and Hydraulic Leak sealing. Should you require further information on any of our products, please contact the Mathers Hydraulics sales team.

Presented by
Dr Phil McClusky
former Global Product Director for Hydraulic Components at CEO Caterpillar

Mathers Hydraulics fluid coupling and hydro-mechanical torque amplifying technology

Efficiency Improvements in wind power generation

Presenting the Fuel Saving On/Off Vane Pump, Non-burnout, programmable hydraulic coupling and clutch and the hydrostatic torque converter/amplifier

Product Video of
the Flaretite Seal

Presenting the High Speed Inline Truck Starter Motor System
Our video library shows some of our patented products and innovative solutions for energy regeneration in Commerical Truck, Mining, Wind Farm and Hydraulic Leak sealing. Should you require further information on any of our products, please contact the Mathers Hydraulics sales team.

Presented by
Dr Phil McClusky
former Global Product Director for Hydraulic Components at CEO Caterpillar

Mathers Hydraulics fluid coupling and hydro-mechanical torque amplifying technology

Efficiency Improvements in wind power generation

Presenting the Fuel Saving On/Off Vane Pump, Non-burnout, programmable hydraulic coupling and clutch and the hydrostatic torque converter/amplifier

Product Video of
the Flaretite Seal

Presenting the High Speed Inline Truck Starter Motor System